CRS defines local leadership as supporting local humanitarian and development institutions in their journey to be more effective and impactful leaders, serving the common good. As shown below, CRS seeks to champion local leadership through three priority outcomes: a) CRS invests in local organizations; b) CRS influences external systems, processes and environments that enable local leadership; and c) CRS adapts our ways of working to ensure our systems, structures, staffing, and culture are aligned with local leadership goals and commitments.
CRS believes that vibrant local organizations are best able to drive strong program outcomes and transformational change, and that decisions should be made by those closest to the problem. CRS strengthens the capacities of local institutions and communities to direct their own development. They should be informed and active participants in prioritizing their needs, deciding on the response to those needs, and strengthening their capacity to manage project resources and activities.
PDF BrochuresThe relief and development industry has long known that the impact of aid programming is greater when local organizations bring the solutions, capacity and resources necessary to lead the work. Why...
How CRS strengthens institutions to support local leadership
PDF BrochuresHow CRS strengthens institutions to support local leadership
Aid projects have a greater impact when led by local actors. By strengthening the capacity of the institutions it partners with, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) helps them expand their influence,... -
How CRS Influences aid policy to support local leadership
PDF BrochuresHow CRS Influences aid policy to support local leadership
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) believes the future of international assistance must include a shift to more direct funding and more empowerment of local organizations to make decisions as they... -
How CRS promotes local leadership by changing the way we work
PDF BrochuresHow CRS promotes local leadership by changing the way we work
To transform our relationships with local partners and encourage changes in the relief and development industry, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) embarked more than 20 years ago on a journey to change... -
How CRS prepares partners for locally-led management
PDF BrochuresHow CRS prepares partners for locally-led management
Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has a long history of supporting local organizations in their quest to manage development efforts independently of international aid agencies. Thanks to our experience... - View all resources in Local Leadership